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School Album Floral Afrikaans

R633 incl. VAT

The size of the album is 310 x 310mm and consists of 76 pages. This includes a baby section, pre-school sections, a grade RR and a grade R section and sections from grade 1 up to grade 12, The album preserves its precious content with a sturdy, laminated full colour cover. The inside pages are printed on a 240gsm paper. Pouches are included per grade for filing of report cards and certificates. It contains 4 pages per section: a page per grade for capturing information through writing (and colouring in on the pre-school pages) plus 3 pages per grade for photos and artwork.
These albums help your child to start building a CV from a tender age and to keep all their ​achievements e.g. rapport cards, certificates and photos well organised.

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